Picture price list 2025
The list prices 2025 are valid for deliveries as of 1st January 2025! From this date previous list prices become invalid. During the validity period of the list prices 2025 we reserve the right to invoice a possible surcharge, irrespective of catalogue validity, model lifetimes and similar.

LPG installations 2025
Irrespective of whether you have an LPG tank or operate a cylinder system, for household or commercial use, or whether you use LPG, for example, for propellant gas systems as well as for warming, burning and soldering, you will certainly find the suitable products in this picture price list.
GOK offers a wide range of components used between the gas cylinder or tank and the consumer equipment. We clearly describe the products in terms of equipment and function, show application examples and provide further service elements as illustrations in the picture price list.
In addition, a large number of new products expand the product programme, such as the seal for screwed pipe fittings and cylinder systems with OPSO/UPSO or the new quick-acting stop valve type KSV.

LPG in leisure time 2025
Caravanning, BBQ, camping and marine - this picture price list is all about products that provide safe and comfortable operation of LPG systems in leisure time.
Anyone interested will find a broad selection of high-quality products including sophisticated gas pressure regulation systems with integrated safety devices, gas hoses and valves as well as smart remote indicators and level gauges.
In addition, a large number of new products, such as the of Caramatic SafeDrive models for direct connection tot he gas cylinder and the low pressure regulator type EN61 with HPU, expand the product programme.
Special focus is given to the Caramatic series which provides the perfect solution for the LPG supply in every application for motor caravans or caravans.

Oil firing installations 2025
4.5 million - that is the number of fuel oil systems that still exist in Germany. And all of them need components installed between the oil tank and the burner to ensure safe operation of the system.
You will find suitable products in our picture price list for oil firing installations. In addition to typical applications in fuel oil consumer installations, we also show products for installations for the handling and use of substances hazardous to water.
Apart from the products themselves and their prices, you will find a lot of important information which will help you to make your choice.
In addition, the new SmartBox AIR Wi-Fi widens our product range.