Leak tester type 150Z


to check for leaks in LPG systems in recreational vehicles according to DVGW worksheet G 607, ÖVGW worksheet G 107 and EN 1949 and in small water crafts according to DVGW worksheet G 608 and EN ISO 10239.

consisting of: pressure limiter, test pressure gauge 0 to 250 mbar quality class 1.0 (pressure resistant to 2.5 bar), hand pump, plastic case and additional volume vessel 600 cm3

Article name

to check for leaks in LPG systems in recreational vehicles according to DVGW worksheet G 607, ÖVGW worksheet G 107 and EN 1949 and in small water crafts according to DVGW worksheet G 608 and EN ISO 10239.

consisting of: pressure limiter, test pressure gauge 0 to 250 mbar quality class 1.0 (pressure resistant to 2.5 bar), hand pump, plastic case and additional volume vessel 600 cm3

Open all Close all Advantages and equipment
  • for vehicles with a line test volume of less than 700 cm3 the test can be carried out with the additional volume of 600 cm3
  • pressure limiter prevents damage to the pressure gauge
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Leak tester type 150Z
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Part no.
Article name

1 unit loose, e.g. to refill the presentation box

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261110
Spare parts Leak tester type 150Z
Part no.

Prüfmanometer 0-250 mbar, Güteklasse 1,0

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261626


Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 5521160

Zusatzvolumen-Behälter 600 cm3

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261140

Dichtung für Zusatzvolumen

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261127

Dichtung für Ausgangsstutzen G 1/4 LH-KN am Dichtprüfgerät

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0260059

Set bestehend aus: Verbindungsstück IG G 1/4 LH x G 3/8 LH-KN
und IG G 1/4 LH x G 1/2 LH-KN Messing

Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261722

Prüfmanometer 0-250 mbar, Güteklasse 1,0

Packaging shop packaging
Part no. 6261600
Accessories Leak tester type 150Z
Part no.
Description Prüfschlauch G 1/4 LH-ÜM x Adapter für Prüfeinrichtung x 750 mm
Packaging standard packaging
Part no. 0261806

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