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Components | Solutions | Systems for:

internet-based monitoring system for tank data:

  • Tank volume
  • Limit notification, e.g. minimum level
  • System malfunction, e.g. pump or burner malfunction

Complete solution:
The following functions and data can be queried and actively reported over the Internet with encrypted access authorisation:

  • Tank data (as described above) graphically processed and displayed
  • Consumption
  • Reporting date query, e.g. report at the end of the month to provide the basis for the invoicing of statistical functions (consumption behaviour)
  • Forwarding of reports and action commands in critical situations by text message or email to two separate mobile phone numbers (mobile phone) / PC, e.g.:
    • Service technician in the case of a burner malfunction
    • Fuel oil supplier when filling level low
    • Individual notification intervals – time-related, consumption-related or both – can be adjusted easily from a remote location

The costs comprise a combination of server usage fees as well as text message costs:

  • Server usage fees:
    Use of the server, data processing, data backup and administration per data transmission system for a maximum of 4 tanks, on request (see description of SmartBox 4, SmartBox 4 PRO and/or SmartBox 5).
  • Text message costs:
    Additional costs are incurred for direct queries of the SmartBox from the Smart-Inspector or for forwarding alarm, malfunction or limit value notifications to a mobile telephone.
  • Additional costs of the SmartBox SIM card:
    Depending on the frequency and settings of the respective SmartBox notifications, the text message fees are charged to the SIM card.

The contract is for 1 year and will be extended automatically by another 12 months if the contract is not terminated with at least 3 months’ notice. The invoicing of user fees for the system hosting, administration, backup and processing of tank data is carried out by a third-party provider.

You will find the assembly and operating manuals for this product in the article list below by clicking on this symbol.

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Part no.
annual costs of system hosting, administration, backup and processing of tank data