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Caramatic ProTwo

automatic changeover valve with integrated low pressure regulator for two-cylinder systems, for connection to gas cylinders with high pressure hose assemblies, to regulate the pressure to the nominal pressure of the gas equipment

consisting of: automatic changeover valve, low pressure regulator with pressure relief valve PRV, control knob, operation and reserve display, gas non-return valve, test point and wall bracket

  • by default, the version with compression fitting 10 / 8 at the outlet is fitted with an adapter to connect 8 mm piping
  • automatic changeover to the gas cylinder on the reserve side as soon as the gas cylinder on the operating side is empty
  • the cylinder can be replaced without operational interruption
  • gas non-return valve: prevents the escape of gas when the cylinder is replaced
  • even gas supply through the optimum use of the gas cylinder content
  • displays which gas cylinder gas is being taken from
  • can be used all over Europe through the use of country-specific high pressure hose assemblies (not included in delivery)
  • test point for leak testing the LPG system without disassembling the pressure regulating device
  • suitable for connection of an Eis-Ex, e.g. Caramatic TwoControl
  • suitable for connection of a remote display, e.g. Caramatic TwoControl

  • EC type examination certificate PED
  • EC type examination certificate GAR
  • UKCA type examination certificate GAR

  • maximum permissible pressure: PS 16 bar

  • The 71 925 13 version can be used without restriction for LPG systems in older vehicles having an operating pressure of 50 mbar!
  • The gas filter Caramatic ConnectClean 2.0 (part no. 71 781 04 / cont. 2 units) is recommended to protect the LPG system in the vehicle from oily aerosols and evaporation residue!

You will find the assembly and operating manuals for this product in the article list below by clicking on this symbol.

Connection A
Connection B
Outlet pressure
Flow rate
Part no.
2 x M20 x 1.5 M
compr. fit. 10 / 8
30 mbar
1.5 kg/h
2 x M20 x 1.5 M
compr. fit. 8
50 mbar
1.5 kg/h

Article name
Part no.
Sealing nut with fastening clip M20 x 1.5 nut

Article name
Part no.
Fitting pipe socket 8 x compr. fit. 10

Article name
Part no.
Caramatic ConnectClean 2.0 M20 x 1.5 M x M20 x 1.5 nut / cont. 2 units
90° elbow M20 x 1.5 M x M20 x 1.5 nut
Connection set M20 x 1.5 M x compr. fit. 10 / M20 x 1.5 F x compr. fit. 10
Fitting pipe socket 8 x compr. fit. 10
Fitting pipe socket 10 x compr. fit. 8
Caramatic TwoControl with transmitter for remote display and Eis-Ex regulator heating
Caramatic TwoControl with Eis-Ex regulator heating
Eis-Ex regulator heating, connection cable 2 m